

General Education Curriculum in NTTU


Students of NTTU need to take 28 GE credits (out of 128 or 152 total credit requirements) before they are able to graduate from this college. The 28 credits include courses that fall into 4 domain fields of knowledge. The 4 domains and number of credits needed to be taken in each domain are presented in the following table.





Humanistic and Fine Arts


Citizen and Global Perspectives


Natural Environment and Technology


Personal Growth and Well-being



In addition, there are courses which do not belong to the 4 domains mentioned above. “Special Topic Lectures General Education” (0-4 credits, selective) is a feature course of our curriculum. In this course, outstanding scholars from other universities or research institutes are invited to campus to give talks to students. Although Military Education courses are not in congruence with the purposes of general education, they are assigned into the general education curriculum. There are two Life Competence courses that freshman students are obliged to take (2 hours each week, 0 credit).

Furthermore, across the 4 domains, NTTU has a vision of “integrated personal growth and sustainable university development.” Within this vision, CGE endeavors to develop courses along the three axis of “Green Education”, “Servant Spirit” , and “Multi-cultural Literacy” , so that the students of NTTU will deliberate more about ecological issues, care more about the disadvantaged people, and accept and appreciate more about cultural diversity.



